Thursday, April 18, 2019

Books: Tamara Loehr's Handbook For Working Women, "Balance Is B.S."

Tamara Loehr.

Balance Is B.S.: How To Have A Work. Life. Blend
By Tamara Loehr
Wiley; hardcover; $25.00

Tamara Loehr, world-renowned wellness entrepreneur and author, is a wife and mother of two who started her first business at the age of 19 after graduating college with a Bachelor of Visual Arts. Her 'sweat equity' model led her to winning a range of global awards. She has also delved into the world of investment with a current focus on her online beauty-disruptor 'Dollar Beauty Tribe,' designed to promote cruelty-free, vegan indie brands.

Loehr has created a workbook for rising women, Balance Is B.S.: How To Have A Work. Life. Blend. She challenges the "work-life balance" philosophy with this work, which is a handbook designed to change the mindsets of women in the United States who are the primary breadwinners of their households.

Confronting head-on that the "work-life balance" doesn't work when put into practice, Loehr has figured out a new solution after more than 20 years as a global entrepreneur. she outlines how to ditch expectations, uphold one's values and embrace a work-life blend.

In the U.S. and Australia, where Loehr is based, a vast growing number of households are now helmed by breadwinning women. Gender diversity has proven positive impacts for businesses, and is seemingly a win-win: great for the economy and great for ambitious women.

Loehr sees this trend giving rise to a problem that's hard to talk about across working households: women are working more outside the home, but they aren't really working less inside the home.

"My new book calls out the 'B.S.'  on 'balance' and presents a different way, giving women permission to blend their work and personal lives together without getting burned out." Loehr says. 
"Women are increasing their expectations in their careers, but are not adjusting their expectations around their partners, parenting and personal lives. Everyone is in pursuit of the elusive 'work-life balance' and is feeling guilty because it is simply impossible to get there. With my new book, I'm offering a different path for women to get out of this endless cycle."

This book is inclusive to all working women regardless of career trajectory or level of earnings. It focuses on a unique self, work and personal blend, and the title is broken down into three segments outlining how career-driven females can eliminate outdated expectations and gender roles in their work and personal lives.

Highlighted topics in each section include focus on:

Self: filling up your soul; breaking of your bubble.

Work: choose your own adventure, work-life blend, coping with pressure and financial promises

Personal: expectations, agreements; parent guilt; family dynamics; foster friends and why blending matters.

Each chapter is supported by practical exercises that readers can complete to identify their values, align their energies with what matters to them most, set expectations with key people in their lives, and map out the lives they actually want.

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