Saturday, June 15, 2024

RFK Jr.’s New Film Premieres; Polling Info From Utah

On SaturdayIndependent Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. premiered a new documentary, “Recovering America,” that offers solutions to America’s drug addiction crisis, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, at the Kiva Auditorium.

“Recovering America” was produced by renowned filmmakers Robert Campos, Donna LoCicero, and Brandon Dumlao. In this latest film from his groundbreaking campaign, Kennedy bears witness to the addiction crisis and visits extraordinary programs charting new courses for people struggling with addiction. 

Kennedy also shares his journey to recovery, and as he draws on innovative and effective ideas, he offers an inspiring new vision in which drug addicts are empowered to rebuild their lives.

Please click here to view the film on Kennedy

More than 100,000 Americans every year are killed by drug overdoses, and millions more are on the brink of death due to lethal drugs like fentanyl. 

As President, Kennedy will prioritize solutions to America’s drug addiction crisis by building a network of healing farms where people struggling with addiction can reconnect with the land, learn new skills, and ultimately, rebuild their lives. 

Healing farms, which will be funded by a federal tax on marijuana - Kennedy will push to legalize it - will provide recovering Americans with healthy food, mentoring, and the opportunity to learn new skills such as farming, carpentry, culinary arts, entrepreneurship, and more. 

Kennedy’s novel approach to the drug addiction crisis will introduce rural America, which has largely been dominated by the prison-industrial complex, to a positive, healthy new industry.

As President, Kennedy will enforce the Federal Parity Law, which requires insurance coverage for mental health conditions, including substance use disorders, to be no more restrictive than insurance coverage for other medical conditions.

The film screening was followed by a live panel discussion moderated by Dr. Drew. Please click here to view it.

UTAH POLL REVELATION: A poll conducted by HarrisX has Robert F. Kennedy Jr. tied in a poll with President Biden, at 20 percent each, while President Trump leads the traditional red state with 49 percent.

The Kennedy campaign claims that this poll is "the first time in the 2024 election" that Kennedy "has caught up to an establishment party candidate in a state." It also makes the bold statement that, "This marks the first time in decades that an independent has matched the support of a presumptive Democratic or Republican nominee in a state."

The poll also shows that Kennedy has a favorable rating of 43 percent, nearly double that of President Biden's 23 percent.

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